
Anyterial is a portal to various materials databases related to the High-Throughput Toolkit (httk) and resources for materials science and computational materials design. It is maintained and managed as a collaboration of active researchers in materials science. Many of us are affiliated with the Unit of Materials Design and Informatics at Theoretical Physics at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden.

  • Main contact for Anyterial: rickard.armiento [at] liu.se
  • For iniative leads for our various databases, see respective database website.
  • For discussions, questions, etc., please use our GitHub forum.

Stay up to date


Information about e.g., availability of new data, workshops, and conferences are made in the announcements section of our GitHub discussion forum:

Our announcements are sent out via an email list provided and managed by a third-party service. (Their privacy policy and related info is available here.)

The announcements are also posted on our social media channels where you can follow us to stay updated:

We also have a (presently not very used) YouTube channel:

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Website analytics.: We are not currently collecting any user information, including anonymized aggregated information about visits. However, we reserve the right to collect such anonymized aggregated information in the future to analyze the usage of this website and our services.

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